Rabbits, hamsters, gerbils, rats, mice, and guinea pigs are often called “pocket pets” because they are small, cute, and inexpensive. Each of these small animals has specific diet, housing, and handling requirements, and needs regular care and attention.
Pocket pets’ entire lives encompass only 2 to 8 years, so they age quickly and can go through rapid health changes in a matter of months. With that in mind, pocket pets require annual wellness visits. Though they don’t typically receive vaccinations, pocket pets should be weighed and examined regularly for signs of any problems.
With regular veterinary care, a safe and comfortable home, proper nutrition and exercise, and plenty of attention, you should enjoy a happy, healthy pocket pet.
Visit the House Rabbit Society website for information about the following for your companion rabbit:
Litter training
Learn more about raising rabbits at the American Rabbit Breeders Association website, an organization dedicated to the promotion, development and improvement of the domestic rabbit and cavy.
Read the CDC guidelines for preventing salmonella from passing to you and your family.